prove with stwo:
cargo run -r --features stwo pil test_data/pil/fibonacci.pil -o output -f --field m31 --prove-with stwo
prove with plonky3
cargo run pil test_data/pil/fibonacci.pil -o output -f --field bb --prove-with plonky3
hello world example
cargo run pil test_data/asm/book/hello_world.asm --inputs 0 -o output --field m31 --prove-with plonky3 -f
Run a specific test
cargo test --package powdr-backend --lib --features stwo -- stwo::prover::tests --show-output
Run Plonky3 add test (features needs to be set)
cargo test --features stwo,plonky3 --package powdr-pipeline --test pil -- add --exact --show-output --nocapture
Run stwo test
cargo test --features stwo --package powdr-pipeline --test pil -- stwo_add_and_equal --exact --show-output --nocapture
Run before push
cargo clippy --all --all-targets --features stwo --profile pr-tests --verbose -- -D warnings
RISCV test
cargo install --path ./cli-rs
compile with the correct field
powdr-rs compile riscv/tests/riscv_data/keccak -o output --field bb
you can also add –linker-mode bus or –linker-mode native below
cargo run --features stwo pil output/keccak.asm -o output --force --field m31 --prove-with stwo-composite