Spartan 4

previous posts: 1,2, and 3

Overview of spartan paper

summarize again what spartan paper offer:

  • transparent zksnark for arbitrarily NP statement
  • sub-linear verification
  • time optimal prover

sub-linear verification,computation commitment for sparse multilinear polynomials

recall in post 3, the remaining problems:

  1. use extractable polynomial commitment for multiliear polynomial \(\widetilde{Z}(r_y)\) to avoid \(O(|w|)\) communications
  2. other terms can be computed locally by verifier, namely, \(\widetilde{A},\widetilde{B},\widetilde{C}\) it is circuit information. section 6 of the paper discusses how to make the computation sublinear

sub-linear verification is achieved by a public preprocessing step, in this pre-processing step, verifier basically need to evaluated the metrics \(\widetilde{A},\widetilde{B},\widetilde{C}\), but this evaluation can also be verifiably delegated to the prover, using the computation commitment. these computation commitments are commitments for sparse multilinear polynomials.


  • compiler to transform extractable polynomial commitment scheme for multilinear polynomials to one for sparse multilinear polynomials.
  • consists of:
  1. extractable polynomial commitment scheme as black box
  2. special-purpose zkSNARK???
  3. circuit that employs offline memory checking

goal=> to efficiently prove evaluations of sparse multilinear polynomials.

SPARK–transferring dense multilinear poly commitments to sparse multilinear poly commitments.

Describe SPARK that applies to \(2 \log m\) variate sparse polynomials \(\widetilde{A},\widetilde{B},\widetilde{C}\)

we want to compute \(\widetilde{M}_{r_x}(r_y)\), re-write it to

\(\widetilde{M}_{r_x}(r_y)=\sum\limits_{(i,j)\in(\{0,1\}^s,\{0,1\}^s)::M(i,j) \neq 0}M(i,j)\cdot \widetilde{eq}(i,r_x)\cdot \widetilde{eq}(j,r_y)\)

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