Rust Coding notes



BTreeMap is a type from Rust’s standard library, specifically from the std::collections module. It is a map (or dictionary) that stores key-value pairs in a sorted order. The BTreeMap is implemented using a self-balancing binary search tree, which provides efficient operations for insertion, removal, and lookup.

#[derive(clone, debug, CanonicalSerialize, CanonicalDeserialize)]

Clone Trait

The Clone trait allows for the creation of a duplicate value. The clone method is used to create a copy of an instance.

Debug Trait

The Debug trait enables formatting of the type for debugging purposes. It allows you to use the {:?} formatting specifier to print the type in a way that is useful for debugging.

example code

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

fn main() {
    let point1 = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
    // Using the Clone trait to create a duplicate of point1
    let point2 = point1.clone();
    // Using the Debug trait to print point1 and point2
    println!("{:?}", point1); // Outputs: Point { x: 1, y: 2 }
    println!("{:?}", point2); // Outputs: Point { x: 1, y: 2 }

Custom Traits: CanonicalSerialize and CanonicalDeserialize

These traits are often found in cryptographic libraries where data needs to be serialized (converted to a byte stream) and deserialized (converted back from a byte stream) in a canonical form. Canonical forms are standardized representations that ensure data consistency across different platforms and implementations.


Using Crates in Modules:

  • You can organize code into modules and use crates within those modules.
// In src/
pub mod my_module;

// In src/
pub fn greet() {
    println!("Hello from my module!");

// In src/ or another file
use my_crate::my_module::greet;

fn main() {

Example Project Structure

Here is an example of a simple project structure for a binary crate using a library crate:

├── Cargo.toml
├── src/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

cargo. toml

name = "my_project"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

rand = "0.8"


use my_project::my_module::greet;

fn main() {


pub mod my_module;


pub fn greet() {
    println!("Hello from my module!");

Struct and impl

In Rust, a struct is a way to define a data structure, and an impl block is used to define implementations of methods and associated functions for that struct. The relationship between struct and impl is central to how you add behavior to your data types in Rust.

Basic function syntax

fn function_name(parameters) -> return_type {
// function body

Dense polynomial representation

In the context of computer algebra and cryptography, a DensePolynomial typically refers to a polynomial represented by an array or vector of coefficients. Each element in the array corresponds to the coefficient of a term in the polynomial, with the index of the element representing the degree of the term.


Why Use collect::<Vec<_>>() Instead of collect()?

The collect() method in Rust is generic and can produce different kinds of collections, such as Vec, HashSet, HashMap, etc. By default, collect() requires a type annotation to know what kind of collection to produce.

When you use collect() without any type hint, Rust will require some way to infer the type of the collection. In simple contexts, Rust might be able to infer this from the surrounding code. However, in more complex code, it might be ambiguous or unclear what type of collection should be produced.

Struct with Generics

Structs can be defined with generic types to allow flexibility in the types of their fields.

// Define a generic struct
struct Pair<T> {
    first: T,
    second: T,

// Usage
fn main() {
    // Create an instance of the generic struct
    let pair = Pair { first: 1, second: 2 };
    println!("Pair: ({}, {})", pair.first, pair.second);

    let float_pair = Pair { first: 1.0, second: 2.0 };
    println!("Float Pair: ({}, {})", float_pair.first, float_pair.second);


In Rust, the unzip() function is a method provided by the Iterator trait. It transforms an iterator of pairs (tuples with two elements) into a pair of collections, where the first collection contains all the first elements of the tuples, and the second collection contains all the second elements.

example code

fn main() {
    let pairs = vec![(1, "one"), (2, "two"), (3, "three")];

    let (numbers, words): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = pairs.into_iter().unzip();

    println!("Numbers: {:?}", numbers); // Outputs: Numbers: [1, 2, 3]
    println!("Words: {:?}", words); // Outputs: Words: ["one", "two", "three"]


The vec! macro is a convenient way to create vectors, but it is important to understand that it creates an instance of the Vec<T> type. Vec<T> is a part of Rust’s standard library and provides many useful methods for working with dynamic arrays.

let mut numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];
println!("{:?}", numbers); // Outputs: [1, 2, 3, 4]


The .chain method in Rust is used to create an iterator that sequences multiple iterators together. It allows you to combine multiple iterators into a single iterator, which will yield items from the first iterator, followed by items from the second iterator, and so on.

In the context of your code, .chain is used to combine the iterators of several BTreeMap collections, allowing you to iterate over all of them in a single loop.


use std::collections::BTreeMap;

fn main() {
let mut map1: BTreeMap = BTreeMap::new();
map1.insert(“one”.to_string(), 1);
map1.insert(“two”.to_string(), 2);

let mut map2: BTreeMap<String, i32> = BTreeMap::new();
map2.insert("three".to_string(), 3);
map2.insert("four".to_string(), 4);

let combined_iter = map1.iter().chain(map2.iter());

for (key, value) in combined_iter {
    println!("Key: {}, Value: {}", key, value);


expected output

Key: one, Value: 1
Key: two, Value: 2
Key: three, Value: 3
Key: four, Value: 4

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