Daily notes – 2808

Summary of Key Concepts Learned Today

Here is a consolidated summary of the key topics and concepts covered in today’s questions, providing you with a useful note to reference later:

1. Running Rust Projects with Features

  • Running a Rust Project with Specific Features:
    • Example command:bash
cargo run -r --features plonky3,gkr pil keccak.asm -o output -f --field gl --prove-with plonky3-composite

3. Understanding Rust Features in Cargo.toml

What are Features in Rust?

  • Features are configuration flags that control conditional compilation, enabling or disabling parts of the code.
  • Defined in the [features] section of Cargo.toml.

Syntax for Features:
  • Example:toml
default = []
halo2 = ["powdr-backend/halo2", "powdr-pipeline/halo2"]
plonky3 = ["powdr-backend/plonky3", "powdr-pipeline/plonky3"]

The format package-name/feature-name (powdr-backend/halo2) references features defined in other packages within a workspace.

Understanding dep:xxx Syntax:

dep:xxx specifies that a feature depends on another crate (dependency) defined elsewhere in Cargo.toml.

halo2 = ["dep:halo2_proofs", "dep:halo2_curves", "dep:snark-verifier", "dep:halo2_solidity_verifier"]

This ties the halo2 feature to specific dependencies, ensuring they are included when the feature is enabled.

Enums and Traits in Rust


  • Define a type with multiple named variants.
  • Example:
enum BackendType {
  • Can have associated data or different types of variants.


  • Define shared behavior for types. Similar to interfaces in other languages.
  • Example:
trait BackendFactory<F: FieldElement> {
    fn create(&self) -> Box<dyn Backend<F>>;

Using Enums and Traits Together:

  • Enums can represent different types or modes (BackendType for different backends).
  • Traits define a common interface (BackendFactory) that different backends must implement.

5. Applying Enums and Traits to Backend Management

BackendType Enum:

  • Represents different backends (like Halo2, Plonky3, Gkr).
  • Uses conditional compilation (#[cfg(feature = "...")]) to include or exclude variants based on enabled features.

BackendFactory Trait:

  • Defines methods that all backend factories must implement (create, generate_setup).
  • Enables polymorphism by allowing different backend implementations to be used interchangeably.
  • Factory Pattern in Rust:
    • BackendType::factory method returns a boxed trait object (Box<dyn BackendFactory<T>>), enabling dynamic dispatch.
    • Matches the enum variant to create the appropriate backend factory, allowing for flexible backend management.

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