contains width(the number of columns) and preprocessed_trace(what is this used for?)

it extend the AirBuilder trait, which is the main trait, by adding the function to get public values


it has many functions like these: to help user build air constraints

The main function return M, M is a Matrix, seems to be the core data struct to store constraints information?
Prove function
Plonk recap:
Debugging notes
initialized trace
trace is stores in the RowMajorMatrix, which is a DenseMatrix.

the trace is flatten to values, then use width to record the number of the cols.
the trace passed to the prove function is
INFO i [info]: trace after computation is DenseMatrix { values: [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 8, 8, 13, 13, 21], width: 2, _phantom: PhantomData<p3_monty_31::monty_31::MontyField31<p3_baby_bear::baby_bear::BabyBearParameters>> }
get the degree of the cols, namely, the length of the column and restrict it to be power of 2

there are 5 constraints:

constraint degree is 2 is because when_first_row means a multiplication to isFirstRow

explanation line by line
let quotient_domain =
trace_domain.create_disjoint_domain(1 << (log_degree + log_quotient_degree));
quotient domain is double the log size of (trace log degree and quotient degree)
- suppose the is one witness traces: \(f(x)\), the quotient polynomial will be computed like this (constraint degree is 1):
if this is computed in the trace domain, the denominator will be evaluated to 0, this doesn’t mean that you only need a constant to present the quotient polynomial, instead, you need at least the trace domain size to present the quotient poly and then verify it to be a constant!
- suppose there are three witness traces: \(f(x),g(x),c(x)\), the quotient polynomial will be computed like this (constraint degree is 2):
then the degree of the
the prove function has input type air, here is the Fibonacci air, the air parameter and air.eval function belongs to Fibonacci air

let quotient_values = quotient_values(
trace_domain,// size 8
quotient_domain, // size log_degree + log_quotient_degree 8
the quotient_values function is one of the core
this folder function seems fold all the constraint to one constraint, need to know how exactly it is folded.