Note for bus in stwo 2

continue from this blog

Another thought: proving everying thing together and logup by stwo as extra.

Building LogUp trace

basic steps:
  • logup trace generator, size is determined.
    let mut logup_gen = LogupTraceGenerator::new(log_size);
    • generate columns that is associated with this logup trace generator
    let mut col_gen = logup_gen.new_col();
    • write fraction, building

    Notes for bus in stwo

    related to this PR

    Test case

    cargo install --path ./cli-rs

    compile with the correct field

    powdr-rs compile riscv/tests/riscv_data/keccak -o output --field bb
    cargo run --features stwo pil  output/keccak.asm --linker-mode native  -o output --force --field m31  --prove-with stworesult.txt

    This can give keccak_opt.pil file with lookup identity, it is native lookup, …

    Native logup implementation of Stwo backend Powdr -2

    following the first post 1

    test command

    RUST_LOG=stwo=trace cargo test --package powdr-pipeline --test pil --features stwo -- witness_lookup --exact --show-outputresult.txt

    Implementation notes

    Witness to BaseColumn

    witness needs to be transformed into BaseColumns and then use the combine function to get fraction.

    in Plonk example, all the witness columns are …

    Deep dive to InfoEvaluator of Stwo

    The reason I write this is because I saw the verification sample ood points are related to InfoEvalator. InfoEvalator contains this mask or mask offset information which basically embedded the circuit information.

    This mask points of MleEvalProverComponent

    Start with component built

    when a component is buit, it takes a location_allocator, …

    Native logup implementation of Stwo backend Powdr

    Powdr side:

    run test in pipeline (I changed the test so it can include stwo):

    fn witness_lookup() {
        let f = "pil/witness_lookup.pil";
        let inputs = [3, 5, 2, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7]
        let pipeline = make_prepared_pipeline(f, 

    Bus in different field -1

    the goal is to understand the extra cost (witness column) brought by using different field, in the bus part.

    start with lookup_via_challenges_range_constraint.asm

    use std::convert::fe;
    use std::protocols::lookup::lookup;
    use std::math::fp2::from_base;
    use std::prover::challenge;
    machine Main with degree: 8 {
        // Prove a correct decomposition of x into 3-bit limbs
        col fixed x = 

    Spartan 4

    previous posts: 1,2, and 3

    Overview of spartan paper

    summarize again what spartan paper offer:

    • transparent zksnark for arbitrarily NP statement
    • sub-linear verification
    • time optimal prover

    sub-linear verification,computation commitment for sparse multilinear polynomials

    recall in post 3, the remaining problems:

    1. use extractable polynomial commitment for multiliear polynomial

    Spartan 3

    following the previous posts about spartan: 1 and 2

    Chapter 5, A family of NIZKs with succinct interactive argument of knowledge

    from post 1 we get a goal to check

    \(\mathcal{Q}_{io}(\tau)=\sum\limits_{x\in \{0,1\}^s}\mathcal{G}_{io,\tau}(x)=\sum\limits_{x\in \{0,1\}^s}\widetilde{F}_{io}(x)\cdot \widetilde{eq}(\tau,x)=0\)

    where \(\tau\) is a random checking point.

    recall we have:

    \(\widetilde{F}_{io}(x)=\left(\sum\limits_{y\in\{0,1\}^s}\widetilde{A}(x,y)\cdot Z(y)\right)\cdot \left(\sum\limits_{y\in\{0,1\}^s}\widetilde{B}(x,y)\cdot Z(y)\right)\)

    let’s start …