prove with polynomials with variant size in stwo

Statemachine example in stwo

this statemachine example has component with different degrees:

component file

StateTRansitionEval is the evaluation function, coordinate mark the number of the Eval

statemachine 0 has just two numbers, the mix_into put these numbers in to channel

statemachine 1 aslo implement the mix_into function, and mix all …

Review, remove_trait_impls

Related type:


TraitsResolver helps to find the implementation for a given trait function and concrete type arguments.

TraitsResolver has a function resolve_trait_function_reference (see below) for a given polynomial reference, it resolves its trait

one of the input to this polynomialReference,

using fibo_no_public example, PolynomialReference looks like:

Understanding the remove_trait_impls

Circle STARK: Understanding Circle Group’s Operation as Rotation

The goal of this blog is to explain circle group without complex mathematical definitions. However, this approach is not rigorous, it serves more like a intuition of understanding the geometry of a circle group. Before diving into the blog, may you need some pre-readings like Exploring circle STARKs or Yet