Implement Stwo challenger in Powdr 1

The first place the challenger is called is in prove function:

in in plonky3, the ConstraintSystem has a field: challenges_by_stage, can check how this field is built.

in, the constraintSystem is initialized from a pil file

Data struct has a challenges field, and has a get …

Plonky3 notes about some basics



contains width(the number of columns) and preprocessed_trace(what is this used for?)


it extend the AirBuilder trait, which is the main trait, by adding the function to get public values


it has many functions like these: to help user build air constraints

The main function return M, …

Stwo Commitment Data Structure

Start with the proof of stwo:



contains the proof info, the interesting part is the commitments, in the verification function, there will be commitments[0], commitments[1],commitments[2] represent the commitment of pre-process trace, witness trace and lookup trace commitments. namely, they only have three root commitments, every root commitment should …

Plonky3 logging


add these to workspace dependencies

tracing = "0.1.37"
tracing-forest = "0.1.6"
tracing-subscriber = "0.3.17"
step 1:

add tracing subscriber to dependencies, namely, the dependencies should have these three

tracing.workspace = true
tracing-subscriber = { workspace = true, features = ["std", "env-filter"] }
tracing-forest = { workspace = true, features 

prove with polynomials with variant size in stwo

Statemachine example in stwo

this statemachine example has component with different degrees:

component file

StateTRansitionEval is the evaluation function, coordinate mark the number of the Eval

statemachine 0 has just two numbers, the mix_into put these numbers in to channel

statemachine 1 aslo implement the mix_into function, and mix all …

Constraint system in STWO