Circle STARK: Understanding Circle Group’s Operation as Rotation

The goal of this blog is to explain circle group without complex mathematical definitions. However, this approach is not rigorous, it serves more like a intuition of understanding the geometry of a circle group. Before diving into the blog, may you need some pre-readings like Exploring circle STARKs or Yet

About the repetition in GKR

There are different ways to describe the GKR algorithm

from Libra paper:

\(\tilde{V}_i(g) = \sum\limits_{x,y \in \{0,1\}^{s_{i+1}}} f_i(x,y)\)

\(= \sum\limits_{x,y \in \{0,1\}^{s_{i+1}}} \left( \widetilde{add}_{i+1}(g,x,y)(\tilde{V}_{i+1}(x) + \tilde{V}_{i+1}(y))\right.\)

\(\left. + \tilde{mult}_{i+1}(g,x,y)(\tilde{V}_{i+1}(x)\tilde{V}_{i+1}(y)) \right)\)

from hyrax paper:

$$\widetilde{V_0}(q’,q)=\sum\limits_{h’\in \{0,1\}^{b_N}}\sum\limits_{h_L\in \{0,1\}^{b_G}}\sum\limits_{h_R\in \{0,1\}^{b_G}}P_{q’,q,1}(h’,h_L,h_R)$$

$$=\sum\limits_{h’\in \{0,1\}^{b_N}}\sum\limits_{h_L\in \{0,1\}^{b_G}}\sum\limits_{h_R\in \{0,1\}^{b_G}}\widetilde{eq_1}(q’,h’)$$

$$\cdot [\widetilde{mul_1}(q,h_L,h_R)(\widetilde{V_1}(h’,h_L)\times \widetilde{V_1}(h’,h_R) )$$

$$+\widetilde{add_1}(q,h_L,h_R)(\widetilde{V_1}(h’,h_L)+ \widetilde{V_1}(h’,h_R) )]$$…

Libra GKR Prover


Prover is \(\mathcal{O}(C)\)

Verifier is \(\mathcal{O}(d\log C)\) for d-depth log-space uniform circuit.

note: in sumcheck/GKR context, the size of the circuit usually is described as \(2^l\), namely, the inputs of the circuit is \(2^l\), for a linear prover in this setting, has complexity \(\mathcal{O}(2^l)\), a logarithmic verifier has \(\mathcal{O}(l)\) …

Spartan- part 1

R1CS definitions

R1CS encoding

R1CS instance \(x=(\mathbb{F},A,B,C,io,m,n)\)

let \(Z=(io,1,w)\), then we have for example

\(\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}0&1&1&0\\0&0&1&0\\…&…&…&..\\…&…&…&..\end{bmatrix}}_{A}\begin{pmatrix}w_1\\1\\w_2\\w_3\end{pmatrix}\circ \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}0&1&0&0\\0&0&1&0\\…&…&…&..\\…&…&…&..\end{bmatrix}}_{B}\begin{pmatrix}w_1\\1\\w_2\\w_3\end{pmatrix}\)


This express the constraints:

$$(1+w_2) \cdot 1=w_1$$

$$w_2 \cdot w_2=w_3$$

(here \(w_1\) is public input/output )

In order to use the sum-check protocol, we need to …

GKR Part 2 -example

Using the following example to go through GKR protocol

this blogs follows the example in Spartan 预备知识:GKR with ZK Argument

zero knowledge version of GKR, Hyrax approach.

Upon understanding the attack on Nova — Part 1

To understand the attack on Nova, I figure out I need to understand the role of the hash function and the validation check of hash function in Nova, from the first paper where the “cycle of curves” is not introduced, the circuit is illustrated as

Nova circuit in

to …